providing for our community

Hello There and Welcome! We are Nicole and AJ Carrillo, and we own and operate Deer Tree Farm and Agroforest. We are best friends and proud parents of our daughter Talula, and our little dog Mílo. We have been taking care of these 18 acres here on Rogers Mesa since 2016, and since then have been managing a mature 5.5 acre peach orchard, established a half acre market garden, raised dozens of pigs, chickens, turkeys, sheep and cows, and have planted over 4,000 trees, shrubs and canes, beginning the process of growing our first diversified agroforestry polyculture (as opposed to a standard monoculture). We are also the proud proprietors of The Forage Sisters, Nicole’s farm-to-table catering business.

We have always been awestruck by the beauty and intelligence of the natural world and have dedicated our lives to caring for a diversity of living beings through regenerative farming systems. We want nothing more than to help our land come to life through good farming practices that enhance ecosystem health and biodiversity, and in the process grow an overabundance of food to share with our community. This is our mission. We have learned that the world can be helped through agriculture, by repairing the marriage between animal and plant production, as well as the intensive cultivation of perennial food plants using good water management techniques.

We are hoping to create a model that will help more people like us do what they love to do, setting an example so others can see that this kind of farming is not only possible in the high desert of Western Colorado, but also profitable, enjoyable, and delicious, all while helping and benefitting this precious earth we all call home, for many, many years to come.

So from our hearth and home to yours, and from our family and friends to yours, we humbly welcome you to our Deer Tree Farmily.

Most Sincerely,
AJ & Nicole Carrillo
Deer Tree Farm & Agroforest
April, 2021